
Posts Tagged ‘pies’

Another of my favorite recipes is pecan pie.  My grannie used to make the best PE-can pie in the world (as well as my all-time favorite, coconut meringue which she would make for my birthday).  Anyway, here is her recipe as closely as I can remember it.  Of course, she made homemade pie crust – and I can’t make pie crust to save my life… It’s tough and thick and just plain not good.  One thing she never did successfully teach me how to make.  And the vegan egg-less version.


Grannie’s Pecan Pie

•    1  refrigerated pie crust (or make your own favorite recipe)
•    3  large eggs ***
•    1  cup sugar
•    3/4  cup dark corn syrup (Karo)
•    2  tablespoons margarine, melted
•    2  teaspoons vanilla extract
•    1/4  teaspoon salt
•    1 1/4  cups coarsely chopped pecans
•    3/4 cup pecan halves

Heat oven to 400   ̊.

Unfold pie crust and fit into a 9-inch pie plate according to package directions; fold edges under, and crimp.  Reduce oven temp to 375   ̊ and bake pie crust for 10-12 min until golden.

Reduce over temp to 350   ̊.

Mix corn syrup and brown sugar in small saucepan. Boil over medium heat
until sugar is dissolved.

Beat eggs (or substitute) until frothy.  SLOWLY add syrup (if using eggs) so they won’t curdle and cook.  Then add melted margarine, chopped pecans and vanilla. Pour into shell. Arrange pecan halves on top.

Bake until center is set, 40-50 minutes. Test by inserting a knife in the very center of the pie.  If it comes out clean, it’s done.  If it comes out goopy, it needs to cook a while longer.  COVER CRUST WITH FOIL IF IT STARTS TO OVER BROWN.

•    *** to make vegan – substitute 3 tbsp soy milk powder + 3 tbsp cornstarch + 6 tbsp water mixed together instead of eggs

Serves 8

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